Policy Development Council
The Policy Development Council (PDC) shall be composed of the chairs, or their representatives, of the organizations listed above.
The purpose of this organization shall be to define all proposals as a Board or College policy or college procedure and to track the proposal through the various Councils in a timely fashion. Since the President presides over the Administrative Cabinet, it is suggested that the President appoint a Cabinet member to the Policy Development Council. The President will appoint the Administrative Cabinet representative who will coordinate the meetings and agendas. The Council will elect its own chair on an annual basis.
The Role of the Policy Development Council
- Any of the above listed organizations may submit a proposed Board or college wide policy to the Policy Development Council with the exception of those covered by Section 901 of the negotiated agreement of the College and the Highline College Education Association. Within two weeks, the Council will then send it to the other organizations for their approval, disapproval, or recommended changes. All responses will be forwarded to the Policy Development Council no later than two weeks following the receipt of the policy. If the organization fails to respond, it will be assumed they concur with the proposal. The council may determine that the proposal does not meet the definition of a College wide policy and refer it back to the sponsoring council. The Policy Development Council will act within two weeks of receiving any revisions back.
- The Policy Development Council will then consider the original proposal and any submitted modifications. The Policy Development Council may send the revised proposal back to the organizations for their consideration or send the original and the revised proposal on to the President with its recommendation. If the revised proposal is sent back to the organizations, their written response about the new, revised proposal must be submitted by the new deadline.
- Any staff member or student or groups of either may submit a policy proposal to the Policy Development Council. The Council will then try to find a sponsoring organization from one of the organizations listed above. If there is an organization that will sponsor the proposal, then the Council will follow the same procedure as stated in #1 and #2. If there is no sponsoring organization, the proposal dies.
- Within two weeks of receiving the proposal the President will take action and communicate this action. These actions could include but are not limited to:
- Accept or reject the College policy.
- For Board policies:
- Present the Policy Development Council endorsed proposal to the Board of Trustees with recommendation.
- Present the Policy Development Council endorsed proposal to the Board of Trustees without recommendation.
- Return the proposal to the Policy Development Council requesting consideration of the presidential revisions.
- Present a presidentially revised proposal to the Board of Trustees along with the proposal forwarded by the Policy Development Council.
Approved by the Board of Trustees October 10, 2002
Original signed on October 10, 2002
Michael J. Allan, Chair
Highline College Board of Trustees